Personal growth through self-awareness

With your guidance and our platform, we create lasting impact.

In a time where rapid changes are the norm, self-awareness is essential. At awareyess, we offer an innovative platform that assists trainers, managers, and HR professionals in facilitating profound personal development. Our tailored guidance helps individuals understand and improve their behavior, leading to better collaboration, effective problem-solving, and sustainable growth.

What we offer:

  • Tailored Development: Comprehensive library with customizable content tailored to specific team needs for a personalized learning experience.
  • Direct Communication: Real-time updates, personal messages, and smart reminders that stimulate motivation and support learning goals.
  • Flexible Access: Accessible via mobile app and web, ideal for the modern work environment.
  • Insightful Progress Reports: Intuitive dashboards for clear insights into the progress of teams and individuals.

Our platform is not a magic bullet, but combined with quality content and proper implementation, it becomes a powerful tool. Together, we create assignments that truly work and help participants change their behavior. This is how we achieve effective growth through self-awareness and practical tools. Intuitive, personal, and accessible for everyone.

Susanne Mus - founder awareyess

I would love to hear about your needs. Let's connect!

    © awareyess 2024 - Netherlands

    illustrations Gert-Jan Oosting